Monday, February 18, 2013

Thing #10

I enjoy how user friendly RSS and newsreaders are. All of the information is at your fingertips and only a click away. Searching for topics through a google search has always been the easiest way to access information, and it holds true in a blog search on Google Reader as well. I also like the spontaneous updates. I spend so much time checking the three different email sites I have, and all five class listings to make sure that no one has written anything I need to know about. If only my D2L classlist and emails could be set up as a newsreader. It would simplify my life a great deal. However, realistically, I do not think I would use them inside of my personal life. I just do not have enough interesting information to share with others. Not yet anyway. Once I have been teaching a few years, I feel that I may be able to pass on my experience to others.
Still, RSS feeds for blogs would have their uses inside of a classroom, as long as you can find the time in your classroom for make appropriate use of them. I would think they would be useful tools at determining how best to go about teaching your students, particularly in the first year teaching at a new school. You can learn from what other teachers are doing in that school year and how students are reacting to it. Figure out which experiments children are learning the most from, and the most effective ways of implementing STEM in a school. The best use I can think of would be to set up your own blog, and have your children subscribe to it. They could check it at night to see if you had posted anything new. It updates automatically, so they wouldn't have to search for any new information, just go straight to the RSS. I believe that this is something easy to accomplish, and it makes life easier in the long run. Who wouldn't want that?  

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