Monday, February 11, 2013

Thing #5

I remember going to the library when I was in elementary school to find a book on cool science projects. I remember asking my parents who Shakespeare was, what perfume was made of, and wondering how to pronounce the word "awry". As children, we had an unending curiosity about the world around us, and soaked up information like sponges. The only problem I had back then, was getting the answers for all of my questions.
For me, School 2.0 means the ability to constantly learn and further your knowledge and understanding. Have a question but don't have an encyclopedia? Google it. Do you need an awesome science project for the science fair? Look at the winning selections from last year. You can even chat with a professor or in a message board on Shakespeare if you did not understand something in class. School 2.0 is expanding your world view, and having all the knowledge you could want and need at your fingertips.
For me, the scary realization is that I am a student's guide to all of this information, teaching them how to navigate the waters of an ocean of information. At the moment, I am just beginning my own journey! The good news, is that with the use of web 2.0 tools, I can find innovative new ways to teach my students, and find the best 2.0 tools to complement their learning inside of my classroom. I believe that this is an asset inside schools that has been shown to significantly improve the achievement of students. I do not believe that this can go ignored. As a teacher, I don't just want my students to be taught. I want them to learn, and continue that learning. I believe that this is an area that web 2.0 tools can be put to a use and be very beneficial for both teachers and students.


  1. "The waters of the ocean of information." What a great way to put into words why teaching is so important and why we all have a desire to teach young minds. It will be scary because I had always wondered.. what if I teach my students something that isn't true. The they go home and tell their parents and their parents will tell them I'm a stupid teacher. That is my number one fear, but then again it's going to be rewarding to learn something new from the children as well and inspire their minds to do great things!

  2. Amber, reading your thing #5 makes me feel better. You are very confident on School 2.0. I am working on my "things" and I am still scared of all the different sites that we have to learn. reading your post gave me hope that I will too be confident as you and see the benefits of the web 2.0 tools.
