Friday, February 15, 2013

Thing #9

This is one of the images I created on Image chef. I had so much fun creating these. I really love this application, but hated that I could not use much of the sites, as they redirected you to a paypal screen. I think it is a great way to engage students in learning about technology. Getting children excited about learning, can be difficult at times. The issue is finding something that interest them, and gets them motivated and involved in their own learning process.
I believe that applications like this can be used in libraries as a way to entertain children in a way that can be beneficial to their learning. It is so much better than playing solitaire, or finding a way to bypass the library system to get on facebook. Besides that, learning about science can be boring at times for children. Creating little jokes like this can get them learning about the planets, just to joke about it on here. I think it would be a very effective teaching strategy if used appropriately.    



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really like the image you created. It is so funny. "Thing #9" has been my favorite thing so far. I also like the comment you made on how students creating these images would be beneficial to their learning. Like you said, so many children sit and play solitaire or get on social networking sites. I believe that having children create images would let them have fun and also get a better understanding of the content being taught.
